Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Slumber parties and Donuts with Dad

Devin has been gone for just over a week and we have 3 more days to go. It has been such a long and exhausting week! I had most of this week scheduled off prior to Devin's trip was scheduled and I'm so glad it worked out this way. Trying to juggle work and the kids schedule by myself last week was tough!

For my vacation I have a huge to-do list and so far I've completed none of them. I am SO tired! All I want to do is sleep--I think it is my bodies way of getting ready for the baby to arrive. Good for the baby but not good for my list. Tomorrow I WILL get something done!
Last Friday and Saturday night the kids and I had a slumber party. We all piled up in my bed with treats and watched a movie until we all fell asleep. Tristan is so cute he wants to have a slumber party every night now. I've created a monster! Not sure where Devin will sleep when he gets home.... ;-)
Yesterday I helped out at Cortlynn's school for about an hour. This is fun because I get to know the teacher and the other students. I almost wonder if helping stresses Cortlynn out a little bit. Yesterday I was timing different students on their multiplication tables and poor Cortlynn was so upset when she didn't finish hers: she was only 1 off and she completely broke down. I felt so bad for her. I tried to talk to her about it later in the day but of course she didn't have answers for me---just that she was tired and had a bad day.... Since she had such a bad day I decided to have today be a "Cortlynn Day".
To start off the day they had a Donuts with Dad morning at her school. Since Devin is out of town I decided to take her. I was shocked by how many dads actually showed up. We had to wait outside for about 5 minutes to even get into the school there were so many dads. It was fun-we had juice, a donut, and than we sat in the library and read a book for a few minutes. Cortlynn was glad I was able to go with her. After school I took her to get a haircut. She loves to get her haircut so I knew this would make her day. I hope this made up for yesterday.

Cortlynn eating her donut at the school today.....

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