Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ghostly "runs" and Polyp on my Fundus....

Last night I was talking to my mom on the phone when my lovely 3 year old decided that jumping on the couch and headbutting me would be a perfect idea. Ouch! I heard the crunch of my skull and saw stars in the sky. I was certain blood would begin to stream down my face. I had to tell my mom I would call her back and quickly hung up the phone to cry. Tristan wasn't even fazed-he has a skull made out of iron.
Last night I could not sleep. I went to bed at 12:30 and at 4:00 I was still wide awake. Devin was fast asleep and snoring of course while I tossed and turned. Around 3:30 our toilet downstairs sounded like it was flushing. It kept doing this every 1/2 hour for about 2 hours. How odd is that? I must have a ghost that loves to walk around and also has a case of the ghostly "runs" and uses the restroom in the middle of the night. Crazy! I'm going to need to increase my ambien so I can sleep thru the weirdness. I finally did get to sleep around 6:00/6:30 and woke up to take Cortlynn to church at 9:00. I'm so tired!
My appointment Friday went alright. The doctor removed tissue for biopsies and had a good look at my tummy. He found a polyp in my fundus (I love saying that-it sounds gross and dirty at the same time) ;-0 For those of you that are not in the medical field-that would be a pocket of skin that shouldn't be there located at the top of my stomach. That too was removed and sent for testing. He discovered that my stomach isn't working the way it should. All of those times in high school and beyond when I wasn't the most "lady like" women and could keep up with all the boys in various areas of crudeness-it wasn't my fault. I was born that way-so technically I could blame my parents. tee hee hee
I go in on Tuesday morning for some more testing to see why my tummy isn't normal. Should be an exciting day! I scheduled the appointment at the Pocatello hospital.....WHAT??? They told me not to make any decisions after my procedure Friday and they ask me to schedule a procedure??? I really dislike the hospital here and on a normal day wouldn't schedule to go there, what was I thinking? I'm not going to the ER so maybe everything will go alright. We'll wait and see.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Dan says what does a polyp on your fundus have to do with xeroxing? Yes he is an idiot!